Cliquebook Forum

Read and leave !!!!

Started by miroandr 2017-10-08 at 18:14
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Cliquey Member
Posts: 3
I am writing here because in the other two sites of Admin Spas Cliquesteria and Uniclique I was suspended.
The reason was that I wanted to withdraw my money. First in Cliquesteria two days after I demanded my money I was suspended. Supported accused me of using a proxy server. I explained to them that it was possible because I was abroad and clutching from Wi-Fi networks and I do not know how they are connected to the Internet. But I ask why they suspended only Cliquesteria, but not Uniclique. I clicked on both sites in the same place. The answer is, I asked for my money. Ten days later I asked for the money from Uniclique. Today, I was also suspended.
These guys are clear that they have no money and can not pay.
My advice is to read this to take the money and leave. If you take them anyway.
If there is anyone willing to copy this to the other two sites because I do not want to waste my time with the PTC
sites. You click like crazy for ridiculous amounts, and in the end do not pay you.

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